Welcome to Hubbard
Since 1921, Hubbard has been a worldwide reference for broiler breeding stock. Our company supplies day-old grandparent and parent stock chicks all over the world in order to produce chicken meat.
Always with the goal of offering improved products to our loyal and well recognized customers, Research & Development is our core business and the continuous investments in new available technologies have proven to be key.
Our commitment is to offer you the widest range of products covering all your needs, ranging from fast growing and cost efficient broilers (Conventional range) to high value specialty (Premium range) chickens. No doubt you will find your product needs with us.
All our genetic programs are designed and dedicated to meet the growing challenges of our civilization by providing efficient, healthy and tasty chicken meat for the world's growing population.
Please have a closer look and discover our company, our products and our teams looking forward to fulfil your needs.

1921: Creation of Hubbard
1946: Creation of Shaver
1974: Merck acquires Hubbard
1976: Creation of ISA
1978: Merck acquires BUT
1988: ISA acquires Shaver
1997: Hubbard Group and ISA Group merged and formed Hubbard ISA
Mid 2003: Creation of the new Hubbard Company (with Broilers only)
March 2005: Hubbard becomes part of Groupe Grimaud
February 2018: Hubbard becomes part of the Aviagen Group of the German family group Erich Wesjohann Group (EWG).