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Baptiste Nevejans appointed as Regional Technical Manager for East and Southern Africa

Hubbard is very pleased to announce the appointment of Baptiste Nevejans as Technical Manager for East and Southern Africa.
Baptiste Nevejans joined Hubbard in France as a seasonal R&D farm employee during the summer of 2020. He then worked for Hubbard for one year before graduating in 2021 as an Engineer from the Superior Institute of Agriculture in Lille. This gave him the opportunity to gain field experience at Hubbard, where he had increasing responsibilities.
From 2021 Baptiste was for two years an International Volunteer based in Kenya. During this time, Baptiste provided key management support in Kenya and neighbouring countries, assuring follow-up of results and flock analysis, while actively taking part in Hubbard’s regional market development.
With this new step in his career, Baptiste will continue to accompany the users of Hubbard breeds to continuously achieve improved management performances, while encouraging them to share field data and experiences and strengthening relationships in East and Southern Africa.
Baptiste will report to Victor Lesigne, EMEA Technical Director, who comments, “Hubbard is very proud to accompany the dynamic region of East and Southern African countries with the development of production farms to achieve more independency in their own food production. Having Baptiste as part of our Hubbard team and in the field, is a real bonus for our customers and for Hubbard’s development and projects in this expanding region. We wish him lots of success and fulfilment in his current and future missions!”
For further information, please contact us at: communication@hubbardbreeders.com