مستجدات هبرد

Hubbard inaugurates a new high technology GGP farm

On November 22nd, Hubbard in France organised an open house for the of a new Great Grand Parent (GGP) farm together with the farm owners and equipment suppliers. The official opening of this breeding site, operating at the top of the multiplication pyramid, attracted many visitors and provoked the interest of other farmers, equipment manufacturers, students, professionals and locals. Hubbard is very pleased with the tremendous achievement of this unique project. The company continues to invest in its production facilities as part of its strong commitment to provide top-quality products to its customers worldwide.
Hubbard and the owners Mr. and Mrs. Savary are at the heart of a project that has brought many technical expertise together. While seeking to optimise the farmers' working conditions, the farm was built under the very stringent specifications of Hubbard's Production and Veterinary Services departments. Biosecurity, welfare and good expression of the genetic potential of the birds remain the company's major focus areas.

Use of advanced equipment
The building of 2,400 m² is split into 4 separated rooms allowing the placement of different breeder lines in an ultra-controlled environment:
- 20 cm insulated concrete walls: guarantee of a solid and more durable construction.
- Double filtered air with positive pressure (FAPP): as a strong barrier against any air contamination. After passing a filter of 10 and then 1 micron, the incoming air is preheated to the optimum temperature before its pushed into each of the four rooms.
- Ultra-precise and programmable LED lighting: reproducing the natural cycle of daylight and optimising energy efficiency.
- Automatic nests which can be lifted: for easy cleaning during each empty period between 2 flocks. Egg traceability is ensured between the cases, each equiped with separate collection tables.
Innovative management techniques
- The "Spinfeeder" system, which is already used in several Hubbard GGP and GP farms, spreads the pelleted feed on the ground at 180° allowing a uniform feed distribution, natural litter maintenance, high animal welfare and more activity that improves fertility.
- Use of "restaurant feeding" of the males. Every morning before feeding, the males are separated from the females in a smaller pen, towards which they move naturally at the moment of arrival of the farmer into the building. With this system the farmer accustoms the males to follow him for the feed distribution from their first day in the farm, carried out a week before the females are placed. When the females arrive the following week, the males are already "educated" to eat at the place they are accustomed to and consequently, leave a free access to the feed on the ground for the females. Thus, males and females will receive their specific feed type.

- A robot circulating on the floor. This innovation was created by the farmers themselves and awarded at Space 2016. It encourages the females to go into the individual laying nests, reduces eggs being laid outside the nests while reducing the number of the farmer's passages through the flock. This then gives extra time to devote themselves even better to the flock monitoring and management.
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