

Hubbard Premium launched to enhance poultry industry in Bangladesh in collaboration with Paragon


Bangladesh - Paragon Group successfully hosted the Hubbard Color Bird Launching Program on February 15th 2025 at the Intercontinental in Dhaka, marking a significant advancement in the country’s poultry sector. The event, attended by industry leaders and experts, focused on the increasing demand of coloured chickens in Bangladesh and the benefits of the Hubbard Premium Color breeds.


From left to right: Rafiqul Haque (Manager Poultcon Co. Ltd), Moshiur and Yasmin Rahman (Directors of Paragon Group), Olivier Rochard (Managing Director Hubbard), “Mosru” Ehsanul Kabir (Customer Support Hubbard), Bruno Briand (Global Sales Director Hubbard), and Kitima Jindamongkon (SSEA Business Manager Hubbard).



The event commenced with a welcome speech from Md. Rafiqul Haque (CEO of Poultry Consultant & Development Service), followed by Olivier Rochard (Managing Director Hubbard) who elaborated on Hubbard’s global operations and its commitment to advancing poultry genetics. Bruno Briand (Hubbard Global Commercial Director) presented more details about the use of the Hubbard Premium breeds for various Premium Concepts, emphasizing how the introduction of Hubbard Premium will enhance local farming efficiency.


A management presentation was led by Ehsanul Kabir Mosru (Hubbard Senior Technical Manager) and a closing remark was given by Moshiur Rahman (Managing Director of Paragon Group) who provided an in-depth overview of his company and its vision for the future. He highlighted: “With the launch of the Hubbard Premium Color bird, Paragon aims to revolutionise the poultry industry, ensuring a sustainable and efficient supply of high quality chicks to meet the country’s growing demand.”



Among others, Paragon Group’s Directors Mrs. Yasmin Rahman, Mr. Mehran Rahman, Mr. Mahir Rahman, and Mrs. Kitima Jindamongkon (Hubbard SSEA Business Manager) were also present at the event.


Local production available as from second half of 2025

The first Hubbard Premium GP flock has been delivered from France to Dhaka in the middle of January. The day-old chicks arrived in particularly good condition and were handled with great success and care as part of Hubbard’s high standards of logistics and quality assurance.

The GP flock is placed on a well isolated dedicated GP farm, meeting the highest biosecurity standards. Paragon commits to supply of high-quality Hubbard Premium PS day-old chicks to meet the growing demand for Premium birds in Bangladesh.


For further information, please contact your regional sales representative or: communication@hubbardbreeders.com